
Benefits of Posting a Video a Week

Let’s take a look at the benefits of uploading a video per week on YouTube and other social media platforms like Instagram, Tik Tok and Facebook. One really good reason to post one video on social media platforms every week is to keep your audience engaged and interested in your brand. It’s like they receive a reward for following you. When people get rewards for following you, that is like solving their problems. They will think of you, possibly share your content with friends or colleagues, and hopefully become loyal fans of your work. You can create a much more personal connection with people and let them get to know you and see how you act/react to certain situations.

A nice side effect of adding the extra content every week is that it drives more traffic. People can now find you on YouTube and on your site which is good for SEO (search engine optimization). Another cool side effect is it grows your brand. Having your videos everywhere is a great way of using a shotgun approach at marketing. You often don’t know what will stick. One thing we have noticed with video is it encourages a level of familiarity that helps with building a community in an unfamiliar place such as Tik Tok. When we posted our content on Tik Tok we had no idea it would do so well.

Video-streaming platforms like YouTube have become so big you’re guaranteed to find a group of people who will become your raving fans and customers, as long as you educate, entertain and provide solutions to their problems. It can also add another source of revenue to your blog or business. Posting a video can help guide people through your sales process. When you educate you are creating informed customers that are already warmed up to what you have to offer and reduce your pitch.

Creating videos can push you outside your comfort zone. I feel like we do our greatest growth when we push ourselves just a little further than our comfort zone. Using YouTube for your business can be a cost-effective way to grow it, if used regularly as part of your overall marketing strategy. Online video is growing exponentially, with over 4 billion videos viewed daily. You should harness the power of social media by ensuring that your videos are out there for people to interact with and like the lottery saying goes “Hey, you never know”.